
This week is Rolling in the Deep by Adele. I love love this song, especially the lyrics- take close attention!! The real video is here, so clicky away and watch it, because it is supremely cool!

Whoa. Life sure has gotten ahead of me lately. I recently lost my camera, so I haven’t been able to take any knitting pictures, which makes me sad because I have started a NEW project that looks lovely!

It has been absolutely disgusting outside, but yesterday I managed to clean the barn out! Whew, what it smelly in there. Dad had brought home two bales of straw, so now Bill’s inside wading in it all. The rabbits were jealous of all of Bill’s attentions, though.

Holly has gotten particularly friendly lately, even sitting at the door to his pen for me to rub his head and give him a quick smooch. He’s much less fire and gasoline, which is really good, because he is a beautiful and soft rabbit, and a joy to hold if he stays still!

Dad is still working away on cleaning up the tree mess. It’s been a week since it has been cleaned up, but boy was that tree BIG. We have lots of branches that are going to be used as poles for a fence (maybe) and then we will have loads of firewood once it all ages. (The sap POURED out of the base of the stump forever!)

I hope to get back on track to writing to you guys, I miss it so much!