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Other than textbooks, I’ve been doing a tiny bit of reading lately, working on catching up for my reading goal this year. (50 new books, currently on #40). These three have been my latest read, in progress, and just beginning…

Read: This I Know: Notes on Unraveling the Heart by Susannah Conway

I really love Conway’s blog. Just something about her style of photography and voice in writing draws me in, and she’s the kind of writer that you feel connected to, no matter the topic. This I Know is part memoir relating to how she dealt with grief and learned to be present, and part instructions to trying new things to learning more about yourself: to unravel your own heart. Some of her activities I would like to try, while there are others I only had passing interest in. The photo choices for this book were great, and have inspired me to pick up my own camera and begin again.

Reading: Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, Ph.D, LMSW

Daring Greatly is not much of a self-help book, must mostly a guide to dare greatly in better and more significant ways… aka, “to show up and be seen in the arena of life.” I’m liking it so far, but I put it down for a few days to read Conway’s book. I like Brown’s style of writing, but it is not as personal as Conway’s, and has a definite educated air to it. However, with that said, she does a good job to connecting to the reader and using examples of her own life to connect the dots.

To Read: Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

Earlier this semester I finally had the chance to sit down and read Sputnik Sweetheart by Murakami. I totally and completely loved it. By the time I tracked down the shelf where Murakami’s works are kept in the library, I was starved for his work, and right now, as I am typing this, I am tempted to put down Daring Greatly and grab Norwegian Wood and snuggle under some blankets and a cup of tea… well, that’s MY plan for the night!

What have you read/working on reading/getting ready to read?